Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't sweat the small things

So it's Friday and it's been a rollercoaster of a day. For the last week i've been waiting on today to get my new bike (yes i'm finally getting a new bike) and today arrives and the bike store let me down. After getting my hopes up only to be shot down, I finally reeled myself in. I mean, my best friend is dealing with her grandfather being in the hospital and i'm thinking about a bike - Ding! welcome back perspective. I also took the time today to read a race report from Ironman Wisconsin from 2005 when it rained all day and the temps were in the 50's. Yeah that definitely was what I needed to let me know without sacrifice and determination, I won't make it to the finish line. So now I go on my second century in as many weeks on my faithful roadie with no bitching. I should be thankful I even have a bike period.

My training this week has been okay but I did take Wednesday off from running and biking to give my legs a chance to recover after last weekend. Spent some time doing swim drills Wednesday trying to get stronger. I am definitely getting closer to reaching my goal. After Thursday's Buckhead Bellyache ride I upped the brick mileage to 4 miles, in the next couple of weeks I plan on getting that to 6 or 7. Bricks, I feel, are definitely underestimated in my current circle of friends/training mates. As we get scarily closer to September I want this now as much as I wanted it before. It's crazy how far i've come yet how much farther I have to go in such a short time. There is a slight chance I may get to Wisconsin before September to see the hellish bike course, the jury is still out on that though.

Sunday I give back to the triathlon community by voluncheering at the Iron girl triathlon. Good luck to all my friends racing. See you on the course. I hope everyone else is well.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where in the world is

I've been missing for a while, but i'm okay. During my hiatus from the blog life has been a roller coaster ride. The roughest period being May 14th to June 4th. During that time I lost all interest in Triathlon, from the training, to the nagging injuries, to the simple conversations. I went through three weeks of absolutely miserable workouts. Luckily I train with a group of which I can call quite a few friends. Some of my friends could see me falling off and really helped get me back in the right mindset, with simple words. Sometimes being surrounded by good people makes all the difference, especially women with their nurturing skills.

Also in my time away I completed the swim and the bike leg of the Macon half ironman distance race. This race came right in the middle of me being sick of everything and I really wasn't prepared, nor did I actually want to do it, period. Everyone told me I should make it a training day so I did. Going into the race I decided I wouldn't do the run leg because it would take longer for me to recover from that scorching hot run, and cause me to miss out on valuable training time. One okay swim and miserable bike ride later, not running was the smartest decision i've made in a long time. Macon never has to worry about me coming back. That place threw the first the perfect storm of misery at me and definitely made a point

This past weekend I completed my first century ride on my third attempt. The third definitely was a charm. A hot, hilly, charm. Now it's time to go out for a run on my super tired legs in this Georgia heat. I hope everyone has been well.