Monday, December 28, 2009

On the road again

Last Tuesday, I finally got the energy to head to Mobile, Alabama. I really wasn't feeling this trip but the phone calls from my Mama asking when I was leaving pretty much determined I was going. In hindsight I'm happy I went, it made her happy and that makes me happy. Once I got to Mobile I got to see Jesus' birth place right in my front yard. My mother loves Christmas lights. It's funny I used to think she did that for the kids, but I am 100% sure now that it's all for herself.

Mobile wasn't too eventful, though I did run a 5k (26:06), work out at a nice gym with my buddy Josh - though the gym needed towels, also got to run four miles with my buddy Mike G. while discussing social issues in both our lives- yeah I was running and talking so I was going extremely slow. Afterwards Papa G took us out for pizza and good conversation. Nothing like good food and good conversation. This really made me miss my own father but it's so nice to know good people. At the gym my workout looked like this
  • 2 mile treadmill run
  • 3 sets of pull ups (10, 7, 7)
  • 1 set of incline dumb bell press 55 lbs x 10 reps
  • 1 set of military dumb bell press 40 lbs x 10 reps
  • 1 Straight arm shoulder press (40lbs) x10 reps
  • 1 Row (90lbs) x 10 reps
  • 1 Curls (40 lbs) x 10 reps
  • 2 sets Hamstrings on the thera-ball x 1

Now i'm back in Atlanta and hoping to have a good last week of bum life before I start masters swimming next week. On the way back to Atlanta the Green Machine (my car) and I passed a certain milestone, mile 199,000. The closest I have ever been to feeling like a proud parent. Tonight I went to Washington park and swam 1650meters, just to make sure I still know how to swim for next week. Afterward I headed to Walmart, all ashy, to use my secret santa gift card for some food - hopefully I don't end up on the people of walmart website. Anyway it's always good to restocked the Ramen stash.

Some old man once said New years is Amateur Night, I am a amateur and I'm hoping to have a really good time. Sadly no one has thrown out any plans for new years forcing me to look else where for the party.

What are you doing for New Years?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alcohol + ATC =Good times

Saturday I woke up and saw a friends suggestion that Ironman Hawaii was being aired and it would be great trainer entertainment. Knowing I had plans that evening that didn't involve exercising, she was right I needed to hit the trainer. So Saturday morning I spent 45 minutes on the trainer then headed out to meet some friends at Taco Mac for a few drinks and television overload (but no Ironman Hawaii). It's amazing how different the trainer is from the spin bike. I definitely need to increase my volume on the trainer. Since i'm not riding outside in the cold.

After overindulging in a pound of boneless wings for some free fries (never bet me I can't eat something I like, because you'll lose) and a couple of beers at Taco Mac, I headed home not knowing what else was in store. After getting home and realizing that I wouldn't be able to see the Saints game (no NFL network) I was pretty gung ho to go out. After meeting up with some tri clubbers we ended up at a open bar Atlanta Brewing Company. Yes I said a open bar, no four drink maximum just drink, and that is what I did. I'm not a big beer drinker but they have a few brews I like (Laughing Skull is my favorite). By time we were ready to leave I was somehow convince that I should get on the bar. Now, I am 100% against guys being on bars, yet I didn't remember that when I climbed up on the thing. Hopefully thats the first and last time that happens (there are pictures if I ever want to relive the time). A few bars later and we ended up at a house party where a sing off ensued in the kitchen, definitely my favorite part of the night. Whoever threw that house party definitely knew how to throw a party; shot lunge, fire pit, good music, liquor, and women. Sadly one of our party was kicked out and we had to leave, but nonetheless it was a good night. I have always said ATC is going to make me a better athlete and drinker.

Sunday I woke up knowing I had ten miles to get in. So I headed to the gym to the treadmill. Sadly I could only get through 6 (a personal long on the treadmill). One day I will be mentally tough enough to go farther than 6, one day. After a magnesium recovery soak my body is starting realize the affects of alcohol so it's off to bed for me. I would like to have another night of fun New Years and then it will be master's swim time. Home tomorrow, maybe if I don't feel like complete shit.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Well last night I went out and ran intervals at the gravel oval. It was a nice change and also nice that there were others out. Quite a few people for it to be cold and dark, I'm guessing they signed up for ING too. I find it easier to push and not over think myself while running with others around so I appreciate them suffering with me. There were times during the run where I felt completely pain free and stretched out. I managed to get 4 miles in which i'm satisfied with. After the run I broke out the Thera-ban and did some Glute and Hamstring exercises, i'm intent on getting better and not going through this hip pain ever again. Unfortunately I didn't make to the gym after the run, instead I went to Walmart - say what you want to about the place, but I love it. Bought my secret santa person a gift card for the final day of secret santa only to have my secret santa buy me the exact same thing. The wal-mart gods shined on me.

pretty much sped up earths rotation

Last night I went out to Salsa with my roommate. It wasn't as many dancers out last night as there has been the last few times i've gone. Just a bunch of people like me sitting around watching debating in their heads if it's possible for them to do it. I did end up being cool by association though, MG danced her ass off. Yeah she was at my table. Every woman in that place wanted to move the way she did. The closest I got to "dancing" was a Bachata (which is pretty simple compared to the other stuff) with MG, she was my only hope to even look similar to knowing what I was doing. I'm seriously thinking about taking lessons though.

Today was simple. Got to work made the horrible mistake of using milk in my instant oatmeal. Turned out horrible. I will be sticking to water before microwaving, maybe some milk after the microwaving- definitely not before. After spending a hour getting my secret santa gift and lucking into some chinese food, I came home and spent the evening laying in bed- the good life. I planned to go to the gym today but I was sore and just couldn't past up the opportunity to spend the evening in bed. After finally getting up and making the dinner of "back of the pack age groupers" (Ramen) and eating the most amazing snack cakes that exist (Little Debbie Swiss Rolls- bad never tasted so good) looks like this will be a stay in friday night. I'm hoping to get in 10 miles on Sunday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other

Today I was off work and took full advantage of it. I stayed in bed til 12 with the fan blowing directly on me - I hate sweating in my sleep and this lets me to use a blanket. After finally getting myself up out of bed, I slowly made my way downstairs to the breakfast of champions finishers. I mean as a World Class back of the pack age grouper it's always good to go on free doughnut binges every now and then. Yes I said free. Yesterday while filling up my car with gas the Krispy Kreme guy gave me a free box of doughnuts. Yes they were old and a lot less than soft but thats not something 20 secs in the microwave can't cure. So this morning for breakfast I had six (I don't really feel bad for it) doughnuts and two glasses of OJ. Lately on days I have worked out I've been taking a protein shake before bed and I've noticed a huge difference of waking up refreshed. I hope it last.

After doing some laundry I plan on going out to the park and doing some intervals on the gravel track and maybe going to the gym for a bit - the gym may be a stretch but we will see. Also, tonight i'll probably go out salsa dancing (watching) with friends. If it's possible for me to teach myself to dance, I maybe should put taking over the world on my list.

Earlier I was reading Hillary Biscay's blog and she mentioned the Ironman Wisconsin hills. A pro triathlete mentioning Wisconsin's hills, well thats something I'll be thinking about. Definitely something to think about and to prepare to conquer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm back at it

Monday I went to the physical therapist and confirmed, I pretty much hurt myself by not being balanced in working out the different muscles. The Therapist showed me a few simple exercises with a Thera-band that pretty quickly got me back to running with out much irritation. The only bad part about going to the Therapist was paying for parking and having to pay 5 dollars for a 2 cent piece of Thera-band, I guess thats all a part of city living. The Frugal side of me (the only side of me) didn't like that one bit. I think the exercises will hold me over til January when I can start going to First Choice Healthcare which seems to be the consensus choice among my clubmates.

Tuesday I finally felt well enough to attempt more than four miles. After a month and a half of short runs, when I was able to run, I went out for 7 miles. The weather was nice the rain actually stayed away and the temp was in the high 30's. I was able to run in shorts and no jacket(long sleeved shirt) and was fine (I left my pants at home so I was forced to run in just shorts.) There were points in the run where I could feel my left hamstring tightening up but it nor my hip never locked up. Also, there was the dreaded point of walking up Arden (=long winding steep hill) not too upset about this though, walking definitely was the right decision. Even with walking up the hill I managed to keep my pace around 10 minutes. I am really satisfied and ready to get back at it, because I registered for my first MARATHON. I don't know how I didn't think of that til now. Yep, I registered for the ING Georgia Marathon March 21st. Now there is an incentive to stay healthy, get faster, and run longer (gradually). I hope it all works out because I really don't want the first time I run 26 miles to be in Wisconsin.

Tonight was the same old same old. Gym and spin. I have to note it "Gym" wasn't much of working out today. Got to Adamsville late and ended up only doing leg extensions and hamstring curls before spin. Ended up getting about a 1:20 on the bike though. Tonight's music was Christmas music ( I was skeptical it would work) and Rivi some how managed to pull off a good class. He literally took us to church.

Tomorrow is a off day from work so hopefully I can somehow be productive. aka waking up with out a alarm clock yessssss.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Almost time for the montage

Training has been pretty lackadaisical lately. I haven't been to yoga or pilates in 3 or 4 weeks (bye bye obliques), haven't been running as much as I should be (one day a week) , and I've only been swimming and "spinning" one day a week with the occasional lifting in there somewhere. My friend noticing my slacking ask me "is this the part in Rocky where he's not taking his training seriously and Adrian wakes and tells him to win", this is exactly that part. Only Adrian has awaken just yet. AAAADDDDRRRRRRIIIIIIAAAAAAAANNNNN!

Yesterday the doctor seems to think it's just tendonitis thats bothering my hip and suggested PT. So Monday I have a date with Physical Therapy, should be interesting last time i was in PT it was excruiatingly painful. I have been itching to go out and be able to run as fast as I can (even if i only make it 800 meters). I haven't been able to stretch out since early October. Hopefully the physical therapist can make this happen.

In my weeks of slacking i've been out Salsa dancing a couple of times with some friends. I think i'm going to start going to a few of the free lessons in hopes that one of my left feet can be turned into a right. It's amusing being the new kid that everyone is trying to push out of their comfort zone to actually dance. Asking someone to dance at a salsa party and only being able to do the basic step is a asshole move in my book, so the free lessons should be cool. I don't know where this will fit in in the new year but it could be interesting. I'm gonna get a camera today, see if I can't spruce these entries up a little with some pics. We'll see (thats if anyone else actually reads this)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

is it March yet?

Thursday I go back to doctor to learn the results of the MRI. Hopefully it's nothing some PT or simple exercises can't get rid of. I swear my left leg hates me, it's not even the leg with the repaired achilles, but something is always hurting on that side.

I'm starting to have serious withdrawals from not being on a set weekly training schedule. I'm so ready for the season to pick back up. The cold weather and the shorter days somehow point out that coming home at 9 or 10 (thanks to the eastern time zone) from exercising is so much better than coming home at 7 or 8 to be alone. Luckily there are only a couple more weeks til I plan on joining the master's swim program, that will get things back to some kind of structure til march comes around (a girl friend may actually be cheaper than Triathlons hmm). If not anything else I think i've become a "better" drinker this off season (thanks to the TNR clique) .

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's almost Chrismahunukwazika time

Well that was a nice hiatus from the blog with Thanksgiving and laziness to blame. I had a great time at home with the family for thanksgiving and some incredible food thanks to my incredible mama. My mama even made me personal (seperate) pans of dressing and sweet potatoes (my favorite) to bring back to Georgia with me. And ... Two containers of Gumbo and a container of chicken soup. I'm pretty sure i'm loved a whole lot.

There is a ATC slideshow from the year I'm on a few times (3:04 is my premier) from the end of the year banquet so here's that...

On the training front I have been slowly progressing on slacking. I have somehow rationalized that because things pick up a little a January I should take this time off now, makes so much sense when I feel like being lazy. When I do exercise i've been keeping the runs short(getting a hip MRI monday-i'm convinced it's a nagging strain), and getting in the pool at least once a week so I don't drown come January and masters swimming. This week for the first 30 minutes of spin class I did leg weights instead, then jumped in class and stayed for the last hour and a half. I liked the way I felt afterwards (beat up). I think that is going to become the norm for days I make it to spin. A week into December i'm about have way to my November run total so indeed things are rebounding.

Hopefully I will get a camera soon so I can break up all these words with pics. For all of us ADD readers, Heaven knows words can be boring.