Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet 16

Well this weekend was another weekend of first. I pushed my personal long to 16 miles, and I didn’t walk at all during the run (though I did welcome stops at red lights). This brings to mind, I haven’t had to walk much at all recently. Sure last Tuesday I had to walk down a gigantic hill (knees just couldn’t take it), but it wasn’t out of exhaustion. It’s amazing how far I’ve come since March. I never would have thought that I would enjoy running.

Back to Saturday, I started off this run feeling okay though a little tight from lifting weights the previous Thursday. One of the coaches, during the run, was adamant that I should slow down and keep my HR low, which is right in theory but the first 3 miles of any run my HR is always up and it was sort of frustrating falling behind the pace group I have been working to run with. Though slowing in the beginning is possibly the reason the entire 16 felt good. I eventually caught them at a water stop and was able to keep up with them for most of the last 8 miles.

Saturday was my first time ever doing the second 8 mile loop (makes me think of the first time at TNR I got to do the loop instead of the out and back, proud moment for myself) and I really enjoyed it … except the run through Freedom Park. That was by far the most mentally taxing part of the course. Who ever designed the “S” shaped walkway that seems to last over a mile, while on a steady incline, should be punished. The walk-way isn’t even the worst part; the worst part is there is a street that runs along side the walk-way that’s completely straight and on a more gradual gradient. The entire time I was running/struggling up that path, all I could think was I should have taken the street.

After the run we get back to Piedmont and the masseuse is there (thank the lord), I didn’t feel like anything was bothering me too bad considering I had just run 16 miles, then I laid on the table and my knee almost instantly started killing me. Unbeknownst to me, I found out that the knee pain came from not stretching my calfs muscles. I have avoided stretching my calfs since I tore my Achilles with the reasoning of “if it’s working leave it alone”. I now know that’s not the proper approach to have it remain in working order so I’ll fix that. After the most painful massage I have ever had, I felt no knee pain, though my calfs are still on fire, it was almost instantaneous. Also my foot has felt better since too, I hope it last. It’s crazy how much I continue to learn weekly and it’s nice to still be in the stage of setting personal longs. It really pushes me.

This week I plan on purchasing a wetsuit before the Xterra (if I can’t find a better deal elsewhere) sale ends on the 31st. Sleeveless vs. Long-Sleeved is the question. Decisions, decisions.

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