Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's been a while since i've posted but the feeling for me lately is it's been a while since i've done anything not related to swimbikerun. Thursday, I hit a low point and made myself step away from the group training on Friday and Saturday. I really needed the drinks I had Friday night and to suffer through my run Saturday (at 3 in the evening it was super hot) alone. It was a nice break from the norm, though it was also nice to meet back up with the gang Saturday night to just hang out for dinner. I knew when I signed up for the Ironman it would take a lot of sacrifice, but my idea of a lot does not give this commitment justice. From talking to others, it's hitting everyone like a stomach bug at a buffet. Hopefully this is just a fad and the other 23 people make it to Wisconsin with me.

Coming up i'm going to attempt another 70.3. According to most this race will be much more difficult than Gulf Coast (which was completely flat, besides the water). Word around the block is this is one of the hilliest 70.3 bike courses around and it has absolutely no shade on the bike or the run and we've been close to 90's here lately. If cramping was a competition, i'd win, so what better time to work on nutrition. I have a good feeling after this race, whether I finish it or not, i'm going to have a reason to Hate Macon Georgia.

Looking forward to this extended weekend, if only there was kareoke on tap like last year. Happy Memorial Day!

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