Wednesday, December 9, 2009

is it March yet?

Thursday I go back to doctor to learn the results of the MRI. Hopefully it's nothing some PT or simple exercises can't get rid of. I swear my left leg hates me, it's not even the leg with the repaired achilles, but something is always hurting on that side.

I'm starting to have serious withdrawals from not being on a set weekly training schedule. I'm so ready for the season to pick back up. The cold weather and the shorter days somehow point out that coming home at 9 or 10 (thanks to the eastern time zone) from exercising is so much better than coming home at 7 or 8 to be alone. Luckily there are only a couple more weeks til I plan on joining the master's swim program, that will get things back to some kind of structure til march comes around (a girl friend may actually be cheaper than Triathlons hmm). If not anything else I think i've become a "better" drinker this off season (thanks to the TNR clique) .

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