Monday, December 28, 2009

On the road again

Last Tuesday, I finally got the energy to head to Mobile, Alabama. I really wasn't feeling this trip but the phone calls from my Mama asking when I was leaving pretty much determined I was going. In hindsight I'm happy I went, it made her happy and that makes me happy. Once I got to Mobile I got to see Jesus' birth place right in my front yard. My mother loves Christmas lights. It's funny I used to think she did that for the kids, but I am 100% sure now that it's all for herself.

Mobile wasn't too eventful, though I did run a 5k (26:06), work out at a nice gym with my buddy Josh - though the gym needed towels, also got to run four miles with my buddy Mike G. while discussing social issues in both our lives- yeah I was running and talking so I was going extremely slow. Afterwards Papa G took us out for pizza and good conversation. Nothing like good food and good conversation. This really made me miss my own father but it's so nice to know good people. At the gym my workout looked like this
  • 2 mile treadmill run
  • 3 sets of pull ups (10, 7, 7)
  • 1 set of incline dumb bell press 55 lbs x 10 reps
  • 1 set of military dumb bell press 40 lbs x 10 reps
  • 1 Straight arm shoulder press (40lbs) x10 reps
  • 1 Row (90lbs) x 10 reps
  • 1 Curls (40 lbs) x 10 reps
  • 2 sets Hamstrings on the thera-ball x 1

Now i'm back in Atlanta and hoping to have a good last week of bum life before I start masters swimming next week. On the way back to Atlanta the Green Machine (my car) and I passed a certain milestone, mile 199,000. The closest I have ever been to feeling like a proud parent. Tonight I went to Washington park and swam 1650meters, just to make sure I still know how to swim for next week. Afterward I headed to Walmart, all ashy, to use my secret santa gift card for some food - hopefully I don't end up on the people of walmart website. Anyway it's always good to restocked the Ramen stash.

Some old man once said New years is Amateur Night, I am a amateur and I'm hoping to have a really good time. Sadly no one has thrown out any plans for new years forcing me to look else where for the party.

What are you doing for New Years?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alcohol + ATC =Good times

Saturday I woke up and saw a friends suggestion that Ironman Hawaii was being aired and it would be great trainer entertainment. Knowing I had plans that evening that didn't involve exercising, she was right I needed to hit the trainer. So Saturday morning I spent 45 minutes on the trainer then headed out to meet some friends at Taco Mac for a few drinks and television overload (but no Ironman Hawaii). It's amazing how different the trainer is from the spin bike. I definitely need to increase my volume on the trainer. Since i'm not riding outside in the cold.

After overindulging in a pound of boneless wings for some free fries (never bet me I can't eat something I like, because you'll lose) and a couple of beers at Taco Mac, I headed home not knowing what else was in store. After getting home and realizing that I wouldn't be able to see the Saints game (no NFL network) I was pretty gung ho to go out. After meeting up with some tri clubbers we ended up at a open bar Atlanta Brewing Company. Yes I said a open bar, no four drink maximum just drink, and that is what I did. I'm not a big beer drinker but they have a few brews I like (Laughing Skull is my favorite). By time we were ready to leave I was somehow convince that I should get on the bar. Now, I am 100% against guys being on bars, yet I didn't remember that when I climbed up on the thing. Hopefully thats the first and last time that happens (there are pictures if I ever want to relive the time). A few bars later and we ended up at a house party where a sing off ensued in the kitchen, definitely my favorite part of the night. Whoever threw that house party definitely knew how to throw a party; shot lunge, fire pit, good music, liquor, and women. Sadly one of our party was kicked out and we had to leave, but nonetheless it was a good night. I have always said ATC is going to make me a better athlete and drinker.

Sunday I woke up knowing I had ten miles to get in. So I headed to the gym to the treadmill. Sadly I could only get through 6 (a personal long on the treadmill). One day I will be mentally tough enough to go farther than 6, one day. After a magnesium recovery soak my body is starting realize the affects of alcohol so it's off to bed for me. I would like to have another night of fun New Years and then it will be master's swim time. Home tomorrow, maybe if I don't feel like complete shit.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Well last night I went out and ran intervals at the gravel oval. It was a nice change and also nice that there were others out. Quite a few people for it to be cold and dark, I'm guessing they signed up for ING too. I find it easier to push and not over think myself while running with others around so I appreciate them suffering with me. There were times during the run where I felt completely pain free and stretched out. I managed to get 4 miles in which i'm satisfied with. After the run I broke out the Thera-ban and did some Glute and Hamstring exercises, i'm intent on getting better and not going through this hip pain ever again. Unfortunately I didn't make to the gym after the run, instead I went to Walmart - say what you want to about the place, but I love it. Bought my secret santa person a gift card for the final day of secret santa only to have my secret santa buy me the exact same thing. The wal-mart gods shined on me.

pretty much sped up earths rotation

Last night I went out to Salsa with my roommate. It wasn't as many dancers out last night as there has been the last few times i've gone. Just a bunch of people like me sitting around watching debating in their heads if it's possible for them to do it. I did end up being cool by association though, MG danced her ass off. Yeah she was at my table. Every woman in that place wanted to move the way she did. The closest I got to "dancing" was a Bachata (which is pretty simple compared to the other stuff) with MG, she was my only hope to even look similar to knowing what I was doing. I'm seriously thinking about taking lessons though.

Today was simple. Got to work made the horrible mistake of using milk in my instant oatmeal. Turned out horrible. I will be sticking to water before microwaving, maybe some milk after the microwaving- definitely not before. After spending a hour getting my secret santa gift and lucking into some chinese food, I came home and spent the evening laying in bed- the good life. I planned to go to the gym today but I was sore and just couldn't past up the opportunity to spend the evening in bed. After finally getting up and making the dinner of "back of the pack age groupers" (Ramen) and eating the most amazing snack cakes that exist (Little Debbie Swiss Rolls- bad never tasted so good) looks like this will be a stay in friday night. I'm hoping to get in 10 miles on Sunday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other

Today I was off work and took full advantage of it. I stayed in bed til 12 with the fan blowing directly on me - I hate sweating in my sleep and this lets me to use a blanket. After finally getting myself up out of bed, I slowly made my way downstairs to the breakfast of champions finishers. I mean as a World Class back of the pack age grouper it's always good to go on free doughnut binges every now and then. Yes I said free. Yesterday while filling up my car with gas the Krispy Kreme guy gave me a free box of doughnuts. Yes they were old and a lot less than soft but thats not something 20 secs in the microwave can't cure. So this morning for breakfast I had six (I don't really feel bad for it) doughnuts and two glasses of OJ. Lately on days I have worked out I've been taking a protein shake before bed and I've noticed a huge difference of waking up refreshed. I hope it last.

After doing some laundry I plan on going out to the park and doing some intervals on the gravel track and maybe going to the gym for a bit - the gym may be a stretch but we will see. Also, tonight i'll probably go out salsa dancing (watching) with friends. If it's possible for me to teach myself to dance, I maybe should put taking over the world on my list.

Earlier I was reading Hillary Biscay's blog and she mentioned the Ironman Wisconsin hills. A pro triathlete mentioning Wisconsin's hills, well thats something I'll be thinking about. Definitely something to think about and to prepare to conquer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm back at it

Monday I went to the physical therapist and confirmed, I pretty much hurt myself by not being balanced in working out the different muscles. The Therapist showed me a few simple exercises with a Thera-band that pretty quickly got me back to running with out much irritation. The only bad part about going to the Therapist was paying for parking and having to pay 5 dollars for a 2 cent piece of Thera-band, I guess thats all a part of city living. The Frugal side of me (the only side of me) didn't like that one bit. I think the exercises will hold me over til January when I can start going to First Choice Healthcare which seems to be the consensus choice among my clubmates.

Tuesday I finally felt well enough to attempt more than four miles. After a month and a half of short runs, when I was able to run, I went out for 7 miles. The weather was nice the rain actually stayed away and the temp was in the high 30's. I was able to run in shorts and no jacket(long sleeved shirt) and was fine (I left my pants at home so I was forced to run in just shorts.) There were points in the run where I could feel my left hamstring tightening up but it nor my hip never locked up. Also, there was the dreaded point of walking up Arden (=long winding steep hill) not too upset about this though, walking definitely was the right decision. Even with walking up the hill I managed to keep my pace around 10 minutes. I am really satisfied and ready to get back at it, because I registered for my first MARATHON. I don't know how I didn't think of that til now. Yep, I registered for the ING Georgia Marathon March 21st. Now there is an incentive to stay healthy, get faster, and run longer (gradually). I hope it all works out because I really don't want the first time I run 26 miles to be in Wisconsin.

Tonight was the same old same old. Gym and spin. I have to note it "Gym" wasn't much of working out today. Got to Adamsville late and ended up only doing leg extensions and hamstring curls before spin. Ended up getting about a 1:20 on the bike though. Tonight's music was Christmas music ( I was skeptical it would work) and Rivi some how managed to pull off a good class. He literally took us to church.

Tomorrow is a off day from work so hopefully I can somehow be productive. aka waking up with out a alarm clock yessssss.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Almost time for the montage

Training has been pretty lackadaisical lately. I haven't been to yoga or pilates in 3 or 4 weeks (bye bye obliques), haven't been running as much as I should be (one day a week) , and I've only been swimming and "spinning" one day a week with the occasional lifting in there somewhere. My friend noticing my slacking ask me "is this the part in Rocky where he's not taking his training seriously and Adrian wakes and tells him to win", this is exactly that part. Only Adrian has awaken just yet. AAAADDDDRRRRRRIIIIIIAAAAAAAANNNNN!

Yesterday the doctor seems to think it's just tendonitis thats bothering my hip and suggested PT. So Monday I have a date with Physical Therapy, should be interesting last time i was in PT it was excruiatingly painful. I have been itching to go out and be able to run as fast as I can (even if i only make it 800 meters). I haven't been able to stretch out since early October. Hopefully the physical therapist can make this happen.

In my weeks of slacking i've been out Salsa dancing a couple of times with some friends. I think i'm going to start going to a few of the free lessons in hopes that one of my left feet can be turned into a right. It's amusing being the new kid that everyone is trying to push out of their comfort zone to actually dance. Asking someone to dance at a salsa party and only being able to do the basic step is a asshole move in my book, so the free lessons should be cool. I don't know where this will fit in in the new year but it could be interesting. I'm gonna get a camera today, see if I can't spruce these entries up a little with some pics. We'll see (thats if anyone else actually reads this)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

is it March yet?

Thursday I go back to doctor to learn the results of the MRI. Hopefully it's nothing some PT or simple exercises can't get rid of. I swear my left leg hates me, it's not even the leg with the repaired achilles, but something is always hurting on that side.

I'm starting to have serious withdrawals from not being on a set weekly training schedule. I'm so ready for the season to pick back up. The cold weather and the shorter days somehow point out that coming home at 9 or 10 (thanks to the eastern time zone) from exercising is so much better than coming home at 7 or 8 to be alone. Luckily there are only a couple more weeks til I plan on joining the master's swim program, that will get things back to some kind of structure til march comes around (a girl friend may actually be cheaper than Triathlons hmm). If not anything else I think i've become a "better" drinker this off season (thanks to the TNR clique) .

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's almost Chrismahunukwazika time

Well that was a nice hiatus from the blog with Thanksgiving and laziness to blame. I had a great time at home with the family for thanksgiving and some incredible food thanks to my incredible mama. My mama even made me personal (seperate) pans of dressing and sweet potatoes (my favorite) to bring back to Georgia with me. And ... Two containers of Gumbo and a container of chicken soup. I'm pretty sure i'm loved a whole lot.

There is a ATC slideshow from the year I'm on a few times (3:04 is my premier) from the end of the year banquet so here's that...

On the training front I have been slowly progressing on slacking. I have somehow rationalized that because things pick up a little a January I should take this time off now, makes so much sense when I feel like being lazy. When I do exercise i've been keeping the runs short(getting a hip MRI monday-i'm convinced it's a nagging strain), and getting in the pool at least once a week so I don't drown come January and masters swimming. This week for the first 30 minutes of spin class I did leg weights instead, then jumped in class and stayed for the last hour and a half. I liked the way I felt afterwards (beat up). I think that is going to become the norm for days I make it to spin. A week into December i'm about have way to my November run total so indeed things are rebounding.

Hopefully I will get a camera soon so I can break up all these words with pics. For all of us ADD readers, Heaven knows words can be boring.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

and the nominees are ...

Saturday I went for another short run just to get some miles in. The hip pain is still there but now I think I know what the problem is. I'm not a doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I think my hamstrings are too weak and because [weak hamstrings] my quads and flexors are overworking. Thats my theory so on my recent short runs my focus has been on my posture and using my hamstrings and not just pushing myself forward with my quads. I guess I will know for sure come December 1st when I go to the doctor.

Later Saturday my club, The Atlanta Triathlon Club had an end of the year gathering ... in a bar. I swear my clubmates are gonna make me a better athlete and a much better drinker. Like I suspected I won an award. Most improved for 2009, which is really motivating. It sucks that I was late and didn't have time to prepare a speech like I intended to do. I really did missed my chance in the spotlight. After the awards were given out I was talking to my buddy Todd and he ask "how cool would it be to win that award 2 years in a row". I don't know if thats possible but that would be really cool, and the idea is really motivating. It's nice to be in a group and to receive motivation, encouragement, and just positive vibes from others, because at the end of the day this really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. That was truly the perfect thing to say when he said it though. Like true endurance athletes the banquet started at 2 and the group didn't end up leaving til sometime around 12 that night. Sorry to my homie I sold out that night, I really didn't think it would last that long.

Today after dropping off a phone and picking up some milk, I was ready to be a bum all day until I turned on the stream from Ironman Arizona. Watching the coverage actually pushed me to break out the trainer. So for the first time since September 12th I sat on a real bike. Watching people give their all is so motivating. Probably not a good thing to take 2 months off the bike but after Thanksgiving I plan on picking it up (every journey starts with a step). Tomorrow I get to head home and see my family (hooray to being off work a complete week) and get some amazing food. I have feeling it will be a couple of weeks before I have ramen again.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sometimes you want to go ...

Yesterday after struggling through what was suppose to be a swim workout I decided I would use the weight room at the Adamsville Rec. It's always funny/weird going to new gyms for me. Gyms are sorta like corner bars, sure you don't know many (if any) of the people in them on a personal basis, but you sure feel like you do. I think it's that feeling that keeps a lot of people from taking the first step of going to the gym, and that keeps some people in the routine of going but i'm no psychologist. No one likes being the new guy/girl, especially the new out of shape guy/girl, after getting into a routine you soon realize nobody cares how weak or strong you are. I can remember when I first started working out and being afraid to go to the gym. By the end of the summer it was one of the few places I felt completely comfortable.

It's funny how you learn to remember people by what they do or don't do right or random characteristics (I would think i'm Mr.takeswaytoolongbetweensets ... I think). Well Adamsville was full of characters. There was the guy who feels he has to talk to all the girls and tell them what they are doing right or wrong (who knows if he's right). There was the girl who looks like she came to Gym looking for a man, just sayin. There was the guy who was probably a phenomenal athlete in school but always took remedial classes and still looks like he's a phenomenal athlete (could end most arguments with "this ain't what you want" or does). Mr. Thats way too much weight and I don't know how you don't hurt yourself, but he's been doing it like that for years so he's probably not going to change. Can't forget everyone's friend, this person could hold a conversation with a wall and not figure out that the wall isn't talking back. Sadly there weren't many girls. The requisite Miss Damn she (insert complement) did not show her face (don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about). In between people watching I did actually workout. I think i'll be using that gym a little more often to take advantage of the hamstring curl machine (thats way better than the one at my gym) and the convenience of lifting right after swimming (ash and all).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'll have the Ramen, Chips and Salsa, and something moderately healthy

Yesterday I showed my face at spin class for the first time in about a month. I originally didn't plan on going but I left my gym shoes at home, the one draw back about going to the gym at work is once I make it home i'm not coming back even if it is only 10 minutes from home (it's just the principle). So I went home got some shoes and some bike shorts and headed to class. My plan for the gym that day was to get my final 26 miles (flat easy miles) on the spin bike for the Gym Challenge thing and work out afterwards. So I thought I would stay at spin through the two classes for however long it would take me to get 26 miles. Somehow I forgot that spin class is all about climbing and fast paced and any other kind uncomfortable sequence that can be thrown into the worst experience possible on a fake bike. Needless to say it took almost the entire two classes for my little computer to read 26 miles, but it was a great workout. The instructor was giving so much energy, it was impossible not to push yourself. As much as I get bored with spinning class, the instructer makes the entire experience. I think everyone left thinking "that was a good workout" which is cool. After punishing myself for those two hours I had the craving that I just do not understand.... Ramen.

I think I am the only person with a job, who loves to exercise, and tries to be conscience of what they eat that loves Ramen. I understand some of the reasons some people eat it, but there are actually times where I tell myself "i'd like a bowl of Ramen". I did have a spinach salad and some chips and salsa to go along with it. Such a well rounded meal. Yesterday was just bad meals all around. For breakfast 3 bowls of Fruit loops (cereal for breakfast is actually the norm) and I didn't bring my sandwiches for lunch so ate the dollar menu at Wendy's: 2 Jr Bacon Cheeseburgers, Bowl of Chili, and a value Fry. Tell me that doesn't scream healthy (I did have 2 bananas for a snack though). The funniest part is my buddy, who I talk daily with about health stuff, asked me what I had for lunch and I was too embarassed to tell the truth so I lied and said 3 turkey sandwiches (reputation forever tarnished haha). Most times I just find no incentive to cooking, but I have to eat better. Food is Fuel, theres a reason sport cars take the expensive gas (so i've been told, I think my car could run off water if it had to)

I woke up this morning extremely tired after last nights workout, but it was still early enough to go for a run, of course i didn't. I think i'm going to start taking a protein shake or some kind of vitamin before I go to bed in hopes I wake up more refreshed. I really need that push to go on that first morning run (I know i'm going to like it). I'm close but not quite there yet. I mean the world would probably explode if i did my first run from my house and my first morning run in the same week. Maybe it'll happen next week when i'm at my Mama's.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Same story different day

Today I went to the doctor (who can't type) for my ailing hip, and of course he did exactly what I thought he would do. Take my 15 dollar co-pay and order a x-ray and refer me to the Orthopedic. He did surprise me and actually bend my leg inward to make me say "ow", that was definitely not expected. I really don't understand why he ordered an x-ray when the pain is not in the bone, but I guess it's standard HMO procedure to go cheap and proceed from there. I'm going to the Ortho on Dec 1st so hopefully we can get to the bottom of it.

After going to the doctor I couldn't keep myself away from TNR. 3 weeks was a long time to miss out on these runs. I don't know if I miss the runs more or the hanging out with friends having dinner afterwards. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the 7 mile loop, because of the hills, so I went out on a flat route opposite of the other runners. It's a good thing I did choose the flat route because the pain is still there. On the flats it doesn't get to the point where I absolutely can't run so I was able to pushed through. I'm in a lot of pain now but it was worth it (we'll see how worth it it really was tomorrow). I'm so excited to be healthy, whenever thats going to happen.

I got a email asking me for some of the highlights from my Triathlon season so it looks like i'm going to get an award at our end of the year party this weekend. I pray i'm drunk enough that there is a speech (I'm assuming it will be a most improved award and I don't think you can win that more than once so this will probably be the only time I ever win an award). Kind of sad that it takes alcohol for me to do it, but it is what it is. Sadly I went from a 100 miles running in October to what looks like it's going to be 20 miles in November.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Now I'm slower and it hurts more

This week not much went down. I spent a lot of time on the spin bike trying to accumulate miles for the Ironman Challenge my healthclub is having, and because I have been giving my hip a rest from running. I ended the week with about 75 miles on a spin bike, still haven't been on my bike since my last triathlon. Thursday after riding for a hour I felt so good that I thought it would be a good idea to run a 5k on the treadmill. Well, a mile into my run my hip began to hurt so I cut the run to 2 miles.

After going out with friends Friday, I woke up Saturday morning motivated to do some cleaning at my place and skipped out on the long run. After not running for two weeks (besides that 2 miles) I figured it would be a good idea to not make a come back on a long run. Saturday night was an "adult beverage" mess, aka a good, drunken, drama-free time, that left me super motivated Sunday to go out and run. So for the first time ever, I walked out of my front door and went on a run. I have always had to drive somewhere to run with other people because I never really liked running it was just a necessary evil. Now I can say that I actually enjoy the challenge. Ran 3.5 miles around Grant Park but the pain is STILL there. I'm now convinced rest hasn't helped at all. So now I'm on plan C, going to the doctor to try to convince him to find out what's wrong with it (not just him saying "you should stop running" because thats not really a option). I'm so anxious to get better and to pick out a marathon really don't want my first 26 mile run to be at Ironman Wisconsin.

Only 10 months to Ironman Wisconsin, and i'm stuck running 3 miles at a time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can you forget how to ride a bike?

Sunday ended up being a wash. I hate that I didn't go out for a ride the weather was perfect. On top of not riding, I get to the gym and lock my keys in my car. It's funny the way things work out sometimes. In a weird way, I felt pretty good after waiting on AAA for almost 3 hours (gave me a lot of time to think of how it would have been different if I had rode instead). My half-assed workout didn't even matter. I was just happy I had my keys and it didn't cost me anything. I really need to make myself get on the bike. I haven't ridden my bike in two months. I've taken it to my room to hook it up on the trainer, but of course I haven't. The thought of being on a trainer terrorizes me.

So Monday I really pushed myself. Started with sleeping through a 6:45am spin class. Whoever said it gets easier to wake up with the time change is a lie. I made up for my slacking later in the day with a 50 minute yoga class at lunch. After work I wasn't done, I went to the pool and swam 1500m in a freezing cold pool (nothing like a little teeth chatter). What's up with all the pool heaters breaking at the same time? Then to finish things off I went to Bikram Yoga for another 90 minutes. It's was a lot but pretty low impact which is nice for recovery. Though i'm still pretty tired. I hope I can pull off multiple work outs like that (that actually improve my endurance or speed or something) when in-season training starts back up. So now I sit here tired, maybe dehydrated, and disinterested in doing anything but sleeping in this gloomy weather. Tropical Storm Ida wasn't really feeling the idea of me getting back to running today so I will try again Wednesday or Thursday (after last Saturday's debacle, you couldn't pay me to run in the rain). Maybe i'll get a second wind later that will push me to the Gym, but right now it looks like rainy Tuesday is going to be a lazy day.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday evening I stuck to my word and went to Bikram Yoga. This is Yoga done in a room that is about 105 degrees. Yes it is insane, but I’ve heard that it’s good for stretching, and I’m down for trying new things in the name of fitness (hopefully it’ll get me back to running). So I get to BYD about 30 minutes early and register and until about 10 minutes before there was just me and another person. Apparently the appropriate thing to do at this Studio is to change, go in the hot box and lay down, and not speak a word. Felt very cult-ish. With about 10 minutes to go til the class started the place became packed out, and every one of these people would come in perfectly quiet and lay. This is about the time I start asking myself what the hell am I doing, while laying perfectly still being quiet trying not to look like a newb. I even managed to finish one of my water bottles before the class started (they had a water fountain to refill them though). If Hell is hot, Bikram Yoga is either preparation, or an awakening to live right, just sayin.

Finally the instructor comes in to the room and everyone hops to their feet, it was like the President walked in the room. Of course I was slow to get up, not knowing the cult-ish routine. He says a few words, announces I’m a newb and off we went. By this time I’m soaked. It’s funny, about 30 minutes into the class my body went into panic mode and began to shut down. I’m 99% sure the instructor could see this as he issued the “if you need to sit down, that’s fine” call, he didn’t say my name by I know it was directed directly at me. Sat down only one set and jumped right back into it. I feel like the difficulty level of the class was shaped like a parabola, not too bad in the beginning and end and tough in the middle with a bunch of standing postures that I never stood a chance at. Overall it was definitely a good experience. Wish there was talking to get insight from other people, but I guess it’s about one’s own journey and all that good stuff.

This studio sold a first time user 10 day unlimited pass for about the cost of two classes, so I jumped on that deal. I plan on going back Monday night after swimming, hopefully preparing me for my return to running on Tuesday. I wish there was a there scale to see just how much I sweated. I’d guess I left about 5 lbs in my soaking wet towels. Anyway, now I need to find the motivation to go out for a ride and the Gym on this Beautiful Sunday.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Yesterday I finally made it to the gym and actually did some lifting, after getting beat up in a couple of games of racket ball. (Nothing like being reminded that I make horrible quick decisions, but a pretty good warm up non-the-less) My two week hiatus was quite evident when it came to doing the leg exercises. My last set on all the exercises were my previous first sets, though it probably has something to do with my hip too. Everything just felt so heavy. The back exercises were definitely easier. I have to make it a habit to make it to the Gym twice a week to lift.

I also got my wetsuit in the mail yesterday. With 30 days to test it out with the option to return it, I’m very tempted to jump in a lake. If only someone was willing to take the plunge with me. If I can’t find someone to do the lake thing, then I guess I’ll have to find a salt water pool somewhere to be “that idiot” testing out his wetsuit. I really think the idiotic thing would be to not test it and be stuck with it.

I still have pain in my Hip and I don’t really know if it’s getting any better (I honestly don't think it is). After popping Ibuprofen since Sunday I can't do it anymore (I hate taking medicine). I’m going to try my best to make it to a Bikram Yoga class this weekend. I was talking to friend Wednesday night and he said when he first started out he had some issues and the hot Yoga really helped him, so we’ll see. It also will be a good detox from the alcohol consumed tonight. Here’s to a good weekend. I hope I actually make it to the yoga class and not procrastinate until Sunday night.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Purple is a fruit, just like Orange

Not running has been much worst than running. Most times I think I’d rather just suffer through the run in pain, than not run at all, but my conscience and my sister don’t hesitate to tell me how stupid it is. So I’ve just been eating junk food since Sunday, also dumb on my part (why do Swiss Rolls have to taste so good). Not to mention, the bought on clearance Halloween Reece’s cups I’ve destroyed. I’ve been reading through blogs to pass the time, and I’m noticing a trend of people talking about their healthy foods. While I would love to eat healthy, I’m kinda lost on where I should start. Currently I’m on a steady diet of Penne, Marinara, Pesto, and the occasional Spinach salad. I don’t think that’s a horrible meal but being that it’s the same thing about 4 or 5 nights a week, its pretty clear why I go on my junk food binges. Another thing why is the healthy stuff so much more expensive, that doesn't help frugal me at all. This week I did cook a stew in my crock pot but sadly it didn’t last as long as I would have liked. So for the rest of November I am vowing that I will not buy anymore Little Debbies Snack Cakes. I also need to figure out how to add some tasteful quasi healthy foods in the rotation.

Monday I got in a swim workout that went pretty well considering I’ve only been swimming one day a week (2200m). I also got to use the techniques I was shown in the Dr. G testing last week, which was cool. I woke up the next morning sore in my neck/traps, letting me know I was using muscles different than normal which I think is a good thing. There was another club member there who hasn’t stopped swimming since the season ended so it was nice sharing a lane with someone who was really pushing me. I feel like I should try to swim at least twice a week now, though I haven’t quite figured out how that’s going to fit into my schedule (schedule of slacking, albeit still a schedule).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

all Tricks no Treats

After planning on taking the rest of the week off after Tuesday, I needed something to do so I ate. A lot of Junk food. Birthday Cake, Chips-A-hoy soft bake cookies, and chips and salsa was my poison. This probably wasn't the best food to aide in recovery, but an idle me quickly turns into a bad decision machine. I did make a stew in the Crock Pot Friday (inspired by Chef-boy-O'keefe) which came in handy for my Sunday morning Halloween recovery. Hopefully sometime Sunday I can make a big pot of pasta for the rest of the week.

Also this week, I got the awesome opportunity to work with Dr. Genadijus Sokolovas, former swim coach with USA Swimming. This Guy's resume is stout. He's worked with swimmers Michael Phelps, Dara Torres, and Natalie Coughlin to name a few. In short, having the chance to work with him was really not something someone like me, who taught myself to swim, could ever imagine. It was really special because it wasn't him standing on the side of the pool giving instructions, he used an underwater camera to film me then gave feedback while watching the different aspects of my swim stroke. It was really cool to see myself swimming on an underwater camera. Having him break down what I was doing wrong with the visual aide was really helpful and impressive. He really illustrated all the power I've been losing with wasted movement and really poor rotation. I can't wait to get the DVD and the list of exercises he suggest to strengthen my swimming. I guess it's right on time.

Which takes us to the rest of the week. After hurting so bad on Tuesday night run, my plans for the rest of the week was to not doing anything but Yoga and Pilates, with the hopes of recovering in time for Saturday's long run . Well I woke Friday morning and the tightness was gone so I was looking forward to pushing the distance on Saturday. Saturday gets here and one of my running mates came up with a new route, which was cool to change things up, but it wasn't the two smaller loops which are so convenient for inclement weather and water stops. So off we went from Piedmont Park on our way to Decatur, and of course it begins pouring raining. That was probably the sign for me to turn around, but of course adrenaline made me feel like it would be alright. This run was pretty hilly and I think the hills are a big part of what's bother my hip, but I didn't know just how hilly it was until we did it. Sometime around the 6 mile mark I began laboring up and down the hills and realized there was no way I would mke it 20. With the run becomming a lot more physical and less mental around mile 8, I had to announce that i was going to head back to park. The next 2 or so miles or walk/running were miserable. Not only was I in pain, I was also soaked and the temperature was steadily dropping. So at about 10 miles I made the decision I should just catch a Cab back to my car. Walking soaked and cold and hurting wasn't worth the chance of being sick and hurting. While it would have been nice to push the last 3 or 4 miles I just absolutely couldn't do it. I was completely tapped mentally and physically. Now I am taking a week off (hopefully only a week) to give myself a break in hopes that I can push through these hip flexor problems. That gives all my running buddies a week or so to come up with some decent jokes.

Talking tomy fellow runners, everyone seems to think i've added too many miles too fast. That definitely could be the case (didn't start til MFHP though just saying). I have never ever ran as exercise before March. While extremely motivated by my dream of completing the Ironman nex tyear, I have to be more patient and smart about listening to my body. I'm still very hopeful I can complete two marathons before the Triathlon season picks back up, but we will see. Hooray for clearance Halloween Candy (not as good as easter but i'll take it).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

another week ... another pain

So Tuesday I decided I was going to change things up a little bit. Instead going to Pilates on the lunch break I would play some basketball. I walk by the court every day going to and from Pilates and the games aren’t too intense, girls and guys play, and everyday I think “next week maybe”. Well, after talking to one of the regulars at the Gym Friday (I don’t know his name, I seriously have no people skills) after Yoga, I decided Tuesday would be the day. So Tuesday comes around and I come out ready to play, of course I get picked up; Just like people assume I’m a great runner just from seeing me, they also assume I’m a great basketball player (thankfully I have my fathers “Ned Flanders” genes). Being a lottery pick, of course I’m placed on the most athletic person on the other team, though I shouldn’t be, but I held my own until the last point. Playing basketball in running shoes wasn’t the best idea especially for someone who doesn’t move well laterally (or vertically but I’m getting better at that) like myself, and right before the last point I turn my ankle. Having just lost, and knowing sitting still would just accelerate the swelling, I jumped on the treadmill and ran a couple miles before showering and returning to Cubicleville.

After returning to my cubicle entoxicated from the endorphins of my short jaunt I was set on running Tuesday night in the inclement weather (the weather actually turned out not bad at all). This would be my first time running multiple times a day, or without a day of rest in between and I was excited. There is only one problem with everything up to this point, and that’s that I didn’t stretch after the treadmill and I paid for it that night. About 4 miles into my 6.6 mile run I couldn’t lift my left leg. My hip was completely stiff and forced me to walk. This is hilarious because in the previous post I focused on not having to walk in a while on my runs. In hilarious pain I had to walk/run the last 2+ miles. While struggling home I was even passed by three Get-Fit women who announced as they passed “you gonna let us pass you”, gave them a gracious “nobody is letting you do anything, have a good run” in reply (not what I was really thinking at all). In good spirits, I finished (still did a half assed stretching routine after the run).

While excited I ran without a days rest in between, I didn’t really get to celebrate because it didn’t end well. Tuesday’s moral of story for me is to stretch even when I don’t think I need it. Sitting at home on Wednesday, and probably will be Thursday too, without being able to do anything is not exactly what I want. It’s a lot easier to look at the pile of laundry that needs to be done and step over it when you’re working out, not when you’re laying in bed feeling like an Octogenarian. Going to try Pilates on lunch Thursday and hope everything responds well. Really don’t want my long run cut short on Saturday.

On a side note I really want to work on my run mechanics. When I run past the fancy steak house on our route I can see my reflection, and it doesn’t say “runner”, says something like “this guy is hurting”. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this yet, but it’s definitely something I would like to focus on in the near future.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet 16

Well this weekend was another weekend of first. I pushed my personal long to 16 miles, and I didn’t walk at all during the run (though I did welcome stops at red lights). This brings to mind, I haven’t had to walk much at all recently. Sure last Tuesday I had to walk down a gigantic hill (knees just couldn’t take it), but it wasn’t out of exhaustion. It’s amazing how far I’ve come since March. I never would have thought that I would enjoy running.

Back to Saturday, I started off this run feeling okay though a little tight from lifting weights the previous Thursday. One of the coaches, during the run, was adamant that I should slow down and keep my HR low, which is right in theory but the first 3 miles of any run my HR is always up and it was sort of frustrating falling behind the pace group I have been working to run with. Though slowing in the beginning is possibly the reason the entire 16 felt good. I eventually caught them at a water stop and was able to keep up with them for most of the last 8 miles.

Saturday was my first time ever doing the second 8 mile loop (makes me think of the first time at TNR I got to do the loop instead of the out and back, proud moment for myself) and I really enjoyed it … except the run through Freedom Park. That was by far the most mentally taxing part of the course. Who ever designed the “S” shaped walkway that seems to last over a mile, while on a steady incline, should be punished. The walk-way isn’t even the worst part; the worst part is there is a street that runs along side the walk-way that’s completely straight and on a more gradual gradient. The entire time I was running/struggling up that path, all I could think was I should have taken the street.

After the run we get back to Piedmont and the masseuse is there (thank the lord), I didn’t feel like anything was bothering me too bad considering I had just run 16 miles, then I laid on the table and my knee almost instantly started killing me. Unbeknownst to me, I found out that the knee pain came from not stretching my calfs muscles. I have avoided stretching my calfs since I tore my Achilles with the reasoning of “if it’s working leave it alone”. I now know that’s not the proper approach to have it remain in working order so I’ll fix that. After the most painful massage I have ever had, I felt no knee pain, though my calfs are still on fire, it was almost instantaneous. Also my foot has felt better since too, I hope it last. It’s crazy how much I continue to learn weekly and it’s nice to still be in the stage of setting personal longs. It really pushes me.

This week I plan on purchasing a wetsuit before the Xterra (if I can’t find a better deal elsewhere) sale ends on the 31st. Sleeveless vs. Long-Sleeved is the question. Decisions, decisions.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On the rocks ...

So, I’m in this new relationship with Running. From the beginning I thought it would be best if we started out slow. After six months seems like things were/are starting to pick up, but there is always hiccups and bumps in the road. Strangely the up-hills are better than the down-hills, and the flats never seem to last. Then there is Tuesday and the infamous MFHP. As I sit here hurting all over, I don’t know if our foundation was strong enough for this yet. I even managed to get loss and shave off half a mile, yet we still couldn't reconcile things. Maybe it was I was little over-confident after Stone Mountain, or all the times I should have been pushing the pace yet I coasted were coming back to haunt me. Either way Running and I are back on the rocks and I realize there is a lot of work to be done if this is meant to last. I’m pretty sure there is something to be salvage after Tuesday, but I know it’s going to take time and a lot of work. Who knows what will happen when Swimming and Biking come back in the picture … I’m determined to make this relationship work. Here is to praying Wisconsin is flat or at least doesn’t resemble MFHP.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Me and Running called a truce

Thursday I went out for my longest run ever, on probably the most consistently hilly terrain ever, at Stone Mountain. I was skeptical yet determined that I could do the entire 15. Thankfully determination won, and there were no mileage surprises because I was running with someone with a GPS watch. While there were times I wanted to walk or just quit all together, those feelings were never stronger than my desire to finish (possibly a first). It also helped I didn’t want to make my run partner run around that rock in the dark alone. After 3 laps around the rock, and two laps around the parking lot to hit exactly 15 miles, pain and a huge sense of accomplishment congratulated me. Then it was time for an Epson Salt soak and a huge plate of pasta (not at the same time). BTW how does Epson Salt work?

This run was also my introduction to running in cooler weather. I originally didn’t think me and cool weather would get along. I figured it would cause asthma complications, or simply be harder than normal for me to get out in, but so far it has felt great. My HR was way down during the run, that probably has a little to do with the pace I was running, but that was encouraging. Right now I’m really encouraged about running through the winter. My relationship with running is budding.

Saturday I went for a run in Auburn just to see how my legs would respond to Thursday. Surprisingly, I felt really good, though I was still a little nervous to push the pace. I think I’m going to aim for 3 runs a week now. I can feel my legs are getting stronger and the recovery periods between the runs are getting shorter. Running three times a week will give me a chance to focus on Hills, Tempo, and Distance. I never would have thought that I could enjoy running as much as I’m starting to. I hope it last. Running could possibly be my new best friend – that’s probably a little premature.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2 Minutes til take off

The last few days of training have been pretty good. Saturday I went out for my long run, planning to go for 12. After getting home and mapping out my run with Mapmyrun I realized my long run wasn’t as long as it was intended to be - 12 miles magically turned into to 10. Originally this was a huge let down, but I was really happy with how I felt following the run. Knees had no pain and even my toe wasn’t in very much pain. Since I have upped the mileage and I think this (triathlon/being active) is something I’m going to stick with for a while, I am considering investing in the new Garmin Forerunner. I really don’t want to shortchange myself on anymore runs - real-time distances could helpful, what do you think?

Monday I went for a swim and it was extremely boring. Did I say it was extremely boring, oh because it was extremely boring. I am determined on swimming one to two days a week so I don’t have to start from scratch when I join a masters team in January. I heard a good quote this week that I hope will help me to get to the pool “there are no reasons for not doing it, just excuses”. This week wasn’t as bad as last week though, I did have a preprinted workout to follow and not just the idea of going for a swim. There really isn’t much else to say about the swimming besides I hope I enjoy it more when it picks back up.

Then there is the glorious Tuesdays. TNR is by far my favorite thing to do training wise. After steadily posting better times on the TNR runs, I set the goal of breaking an hour on the 7.05 mile run. The previous 2 weeks I’ve run it at 1:07, 1:03, and this week I came up short at 1:02. While not satisfied I didn’t reach my goal, it is extremely satisfying to be making improvements. I’m going to break that hour, might not be this week, maybe not the next, but it’s going down. This course is a technical course, with the first 5 miles being hilly and the last two being pretty flat. Having that forerunner would come in handy here too, for pacing (I’m seriously trying to talk myself into buying that watch).

Going to Auburn this weekend for a football game, so I’m pushing up my long run to Thursday. Not doing anything Wednesday is probably the hardest thing i've done this week, but I know I wouldn't make it through my run Thursday with out sitting Wednesday out. The plan for Thursday is to run 15 miles around Stone Mountain with a club-mate. Being that riding around Stone Mountain is a task, running it should be really interesting. Hopefully I survive to write about it. The Journey continues.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now you're running ...

I just fought through my first crossroad of this off season. Fear had completely taken over me. Lately, I’ve been trying to work as hard, if not harder, than I worked during the Triathlon season, until my awakening Monday night. At first I didn’t see pushing myself as a problem, but Monday after swimming by myself, the entire time thinking “what the hell am I doing”, I just about swore off everything healthy and went to Wal-mart bought me some Little Debbie’s snack cakes and was about ready to be a bum. Three Little Debbie’s Swiss Roll packs later, I realized I’m trying to do too much. So, I am forcing myself to focus on quality as of now and not quantity of workouts. The Idea that I may not finish and look back and think “did you do all you could do”, works against this, but smart training is better than overtraining, right?

I’ve been researching workouts for swimmers online and most suggest total body workouts on days you go to the gym. With the stuff I’ve found, I put together a new workout routine for myself with me only lifting two days a week right now. Also, I’m going to make myself take some time off and hangout with friends I’ve neglected to hang out with (If you are reading this invite me to things again). Taking this time off now will probably help come March when everything is planned around workouts and finishing Ironman Wisconsin without having to walk a complete marathon – assuming walking will be an option.

(Sorta like a second entry, I have to write in drafts)

What a difference a week makes. Tuesday Sept 29th I nearly had a breakdown at mile 6 of a 7 mile run. When you’re running with people (and struggling) and they bring up a marathon a mile before you’re to finish a 7 mile run, it makes you think “how in the hell am I going to do 26.2 miles”, after biking 112 and swimming 2.4. After a profanity laced rant of my own I had to pick up the pace and finish (thank you girls for the encouraging comments) - I think I was going crazy and to stop running was the only thing that was going to help me. After the run, it turned out to be my fastest 7 miles up until that point, so there was a small silver lining. Fast forward a week later to October 6th and I entered TNR (Tuesday Night Run) with a goal to better my previous run, without wanting to kill myself for signing up for an Ironman during the run (working on the mental toughness). The last few weeks I’ve been running on a treadmill on Thursday nights to increase my speed with out having to focus on it so much mentally, you set the speed and you move your legs – a lot easier than doing it mentally for me at this point. Well low and behold I think it is working. It’s so nice to see it pay off so quickly after only 3 weeks. I had my fastest TNR yet, I averaged under a 9 minute mile on a course that I originally averaged over 12 (it's hilly and i'm slow). Huge Victory for myself, huge.

During the last week I also made my first trip to the Doctor for a “not usual pain”. Turns out I have an inflamed sesamoid bone in my foot, big Toe to be exact (a bone I didn’t even know exist). Doc says I should try Orthotics and to Ice and all that good stuff. Knowing he’s not going to have to take my big toe, I think everything is going to be alright with this one, I do plan on icing more. One more thing for someone to ask me about when they walk past my cubicle at work.

48 more weeks to go!

Monday, September 28, 2009

49 weeks ....

Sunday I traveled to Augusta to watch the Augusta Ironman 70.3. It’s always funny to me when I travel to triathlons. First there is the feeling of wishing I was doing the race, then I slowly return to reality and think of all the training the athletes have been through (especially for a 70.3 distance race), and I return to “cheering is fine for the day”. Witnessing the pros sprint by at a 7 minute pace to the age grouper hanging on for dear life gets my adrenaline pumping (if you’re spectating a triathlon its hard not to cheer), and to know people competing it’s electrifying (The ATC really represented well sunday). Also, it provides an enormous amount of motivation to make it to my own work outs.

Last week was a steady week for me in the work out dept., though I did skip a few workouts, I’m telling myself it is fine because I had initially planned to take two weeks off following my last race on September 12th. Now it’s time to pick things up and not skip the long weekend runs in preparation for a marathon. The run coach for the group said a few weeks back we should be averaging somewhere around 25 miles for the week, I’ve been slacking around 12 miles, and now that number increases - Yay (sarcasm). I will gradually increase my distances through the next couple of weeks to reach that point though.

This next week I’m planning to pick it up a little. I've started writing out my work outs before hand to help keep me honest. Writing out my workouts is completely new to me but I’m interested to see if it helps me, once I figure out how to put a chart in this blog i'll post them here also. 49 weeks seems really close to me for some reason, probably because I’m a little scared. I will say it’s probably best I have never witnessed a IRONMAN before registering, I saw some serious painful expressions this last weekend at the half and those looks of pain didn’t really say “You should try this”.

Congratulations to all my friends who completed the Augusta IRONMAN 70.3, you guys' determination alone fueled me for over 6 hours to bang that drum, not to mention seeing MR come out of the water in tears (super inspiring). Congratulations to all the ATC’ers, great job to you all!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So it is

On March 9th, 2009 I began the endeavor of triathlon with a call to Jim Boylan inquiring about the Atlanta Tri Club. Initially, I was skeptical if triathlon was something my body would be able to handle. While in college I tore my Achilles tendon and everyone from the doctor (who performed the surgery) to my sister (a nurse) told me how I should be careful following the surgery because it was highly likely I would re-injure myself. Four years later with not doing any running or leg lifting, I looked like the muffin man (muscular on top - skinny on bottom). In a state of a quarter life crisis and really looking for things I liked in a relatively new city, Triathlon was right on time.

The first weeks of my two mile training runs felt like marathons. While swimming and biking came a lot easier for me, running was/is a task. I would literally get home and not be able to walk, and to be honest I was pretty ashamed of how bad at running I was. Paying for a tri-club membership and the desire to not be the worst was exactly what I needed to push past what I considered my comfort zone and to keep me attending the training sessions. Through all the pain, and wonderings of why the hell am I doing this, I kept training because I couldn’t let triathlon beat me – sort of my quarter-life reawakening. By the time I finished my first race on May 30th I was hooked.

During 2009 I completed three triathlons, one Sprint distance, and two Olympic distance races. While I improved each time on the Olympic distance races, I didn’t reach all of my goals – I am 3 for 3 on finishing though. Knowing I was racing on my tooth picks for legs this year, I was really encouraged heading into the winter on strengthening my legs and completing a marathon (2 miles to 26 I am still in awe). In my rejoicing that my season was over and that I could return to lifting and cut back on some of the other training, someone from the Tuesday night run group sprung the idea of an IRONMAN on the newbs. Initially, I told myself I wasn’t ready nor was I willing to commit the time needed to adequately prepare for an IRONMAN distance race the next spring, not to mention coughing up the dough. I even reached out and enlisted the help of a friend who doesn’t do triathlons to talk me out of even considering it. Well that friend (cough Josh) was having none of it and even predicted I would do it, not to make him sound like a genius because he’s not, and low and behold I registered for IRONMAN Wisconsin with 25+ other club mates. I can remember watching the IRONMAN world championships in Kona on NBC as a child thinking “that’s not hard I could do that”, partially because I was a knucklehead child who thought I could do anything and because my mother always said “can’t shouldn’t be in your vocabulary, hard work can beat just about anything”. Those words still hold true and will guide me through my journey the next year. While this is definitely the biggest athletic endeavor I have ever undertaken, I am excited about the journey. I will use this blog to update workout routines, setbacks, and all the other random things that come to mind. Thanks for reading and let the journey begin.